Meaningful Goal Pursuit - Go on the Ride of Your Life


Featuring exclusive content from best-selling author Deepak Chopra and from research psychologists Phil Zimbardo, Sonja Lyubomirsky, and Barbara Fredrickson, instructor Ran Zilca details the structured process he followed that took him on the ride of his life: A move to a different continent, his first book, and the successful sale of his company. The process incorporates concepts of self determination theory, self concordance, and positive psychology, to form a simple, step-by-step process. Meaningful Goal Pursuit will take you through the steps to identify what goals you really want to pursue and develop an action plan to accomplish those goals. You will learn the skills and techniques needed to make those goals a reality, for your coaching clients and in your own life.

To complete the course you will need to have access to a computer/tablet and be comfortable using the Internet as you will be working on an e-learning platform; viewing and listening presentations, as well as providing input in an interactive relationship with the course instructor. Students will have one year to complete the requirements for this course.

Learn more:

10 Steps Toward a Meaningful Life (audio)

Note: Please be sure to download the Welcome Letter when you register as it contains the link for your class, so you can begin as soon as you are ready.

Course Prerequisites


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I am so happy to have taken this course. Personally, it was invaluable for me to have learned tools of goal analysis and setting. The course itself is so well-conceived that not only was it the most fun course I've taken with ILCT, but it was definitely the most unique. Each piece of the class - Ran's narration of his journey, the recorded videos with experts, the learning material, workbook, and reflection/discussion - weaves together to create a multidimensional understanding of goal pursuit.

- Chitra P.

I enjoyed the perspective of the course in that we should not only be concerned about completing our goals, but also learning from and enjoying the journey. This is a valuable lesson for our coaching clients.

- C.A.

I love the topic of meaningful goal pursuit; I think it's often the point in coaching that is overlooked. We've established a goal, but is it the one the client truly wants? I like the tips he gave for having clients actively reflect on their goals before committing to them. I liked that it was self-paced which I appreciated at this particular point in my learning journey.

- J. S.