Intuitive Executive Coaching


This course provides a thorough examination of executive coaching, intuition and their interplay. Application of intuition within several executive coaching topics is offered as well as practical ways to increase intuition and apply intuitive skills within the executive coach setting.

Intuition is referred to in the ICF’s core competencies several times. Even so, it is difficult to find a working definition of intuition in relation to the field of professional coaching.

Intuition, approached from a scholarly perspective is often described as a process that uses cognition, patterns and the unconscious. From a spiritual perspective, intuition is often described in terms of one's third ear or sixth sense. This course incorporates both the scholarly and spiritual approach to the use of intuition in executive coaching.

Required Textbook

Becoming an Exceptional Executive Coach: Use Your Knowledge, Experience and Intuition to Help Leaders Excel by Frisch, Lee, Metzger, Robinson & Rosemarin.

To complete the course, you will need to have access to a computer/tablet and should be comfortable using the Internet as you will be working on an e-learning platform. Students will have one year to complete the requirements for this course.

Note: Please be sure to download the Welcome Letter when you register as it contains the link for your class, so you can begin as soon as you are ready.

Course Prerequisites


Register for this course


The course itself is a giant call to a deeper level of listening & paying attention that will allow you to go from being a good coach to an exceptional one; allowing your intuition to guide you towards being exactly what your client needs you to be in that moment.

- S.G.

I have been curious to learn more about intuition and this was the first time I have seen a class offered on it. It was reassuring to know that intuition is a valid and "scientific" feeling and decision-making approach, in collaboration with experience and knowledge. I feel more confident not suppressing my intuition and using it in my coaching work, along with fostering it with clients. It was freeing and energizing to learn about the foundation and validity of using intuition.

- D.F.