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Making Your Website Work For You

By Elizabeth Saigal, Ph.D. CLC

Question: What do I love about the service the worldwide web provides?

Answer: How easy it is to find out about stuff.

Anything you want to know about whether it is facts, services or products is just a Google away. The people searching for you online are already part of your ideal audience so it is targeted marketing. If the keywords typed into a search engine bring up your online presentation, there is a good chance that this individual has at least a passing interest in what you have to offer.

Then, after they click on your link, persuade them to explore your site further by designing it to keep their attention and inspire them. As a coach, you can do this by immediately providing a connection to the challenges they face and letting them know how what you do provides assistance and moves them forward towards a life of greater accomplishment and joy.

Hopefully, they will be hooked and want to learn more about you from your other pages. Make it easy by keeping a shallow hierarchy of pages so what they want to know is never more than a click away and include links between your pages so they can take shortcuts. A website is a place to establish your brand including any visual elements or tag lines that speak to your ideal audience.

You can include anything of value that serves your potential client that you find yourself saying over and over again. This information is often what the client wants to know about you, the services you offer and what makes them special. You may still repeat yourself, but now people have a place to look up the bits that they can’t quite recall or to find out more. You can take advantage of the website to inform and connect by sharing any of the following:

  1. Your story – Anything about your background and credentialing that relates to your level of expertise and allows people to get to know you. This bio often takes the form of a page about me or about the company.
  2. Connection – A flexible way of contacting or following up with you. This could include email and phone information. Some service orientated companies even have live chat.
  3. Directions – If you have a physical location you can embed a map so they can easily find out how to get to you from wherever they are located.
  4. Services – A description of exactly what you do and how you offer value.
  5. Products – Specific packages, systems, or tools that augment the coaching you provide.
  6. Free stuff – Resources and giveaways such as cool tips, practices, e-books, or introductory sessions.
  7. Images and video – Make your site interesting and visually appealing so visitors are not confronted with reams of text that can make them click the back icon. Pictures can communicate a great deal about you and your services and enhance visitor experience. Including your self portrait somewhere also establishes trust.
  8. Testimonials – Previous client satisfaction reduces the risk a new client might feel in investing with you. This speaks to how what you do has worked for others and provides a source of evidence for how it might work for them.
  9. Frequently asked questions – Answers to common questions such as how coaching differs from other supportive conversations or how coaching takes place.
  10. Community connection – A blog, newsletter or group forum where you can develop a relationship and exchange with those visiting your site.
  11. An opt in – Complimentary services or information can be exchanged for contact information, which you can then use to provide further valuable resources and keep them informed about additional services, products or programs . The subscriber has to be free to remove themselves from your listing at any time.
  12. Membership login – This can be a way to dispense community privileges such as access to parts of your site such as calendar or additional teachings.
  13. Calendar – You can make it really easy for people to book time with you by placing your scheduling online.
  14. Links to your social media – make it easy for people to connects with you in other ways such as twitter, facebook, linked in, pinterest or instagram, etc.

If a website is for you or you already have one and want to make it more functional take the time to figure out exactly how you want it to represent you and how it will be maintained over time. Then take it one web page at a time!

Dr. Elizabeth Saigal is an ILCT Certified Life Coach and former ILCT student. She offers Life Design Coaching for those intent on connecting with their inner truth and aligning with their intuition to live a life on purpose. You can connect with her and sign up to receive her Free Ten Step Life Design System at