By: Kimberly Gleason
I’m betting you’re no different than my kid.
“Why do I have to clean the living room?” she whines.
I roll my eyes, making a grand sweeping gesture toward the chaos—books littered across the floor, legos crammed in the sides of the couch, a nice splat on the carpet (Peanut butter? Dog vomit? Does it matter?). “Because I like a nice, clean house. And, because I said so.”
She stomps toward the living room.
Like I said, I bet you’re no different than my kid. She wants to know why she has to do what she has to do. A nice, clean house and “because I said so” doesn’t cut it. What she really wants to know is why this is important; why a clean house matters. Do I go into a lengthy discourse on how an uncluttered house equals an uncluttered mind? Or how clean evolves into peace and a sense that everything is okay? Or that a clean house makes me feel as if I’m a good mother? She is only nine, after all.
Similarly, we all want to know the purpose and importance of what we’re doing. From a workplace standpoint, coaching helps you get to the bigger “Why” of your staff, colleagues, clients, and customers.
But first…
The Smaller Why
The smaller “Why” is exactly what I gave my daughter—a nice, clean house. Smaller why’s include reasons such as
The Bigger Why
The smaller why’s are important, yes. But coaching gets to the heart of the matter—the bigger “Why.” Bigger why’s answer the question “So what?” For example,
Notice the difference between the two why’s? Coaching individuals uncovers their greater why’s—the larger questions of purpose and meaning and significance. Coaching is about probing, digging beneath the surface, unlocking potential, finding courage, creating insight, and aligning passion and vision with action. Coaching taps into people’s motivations—what drives them, excites them, makes them want to work hard and put forth their best efforts.
So do you sincerely want to take yourself or your organization to the top? Unearth the why. Discover the coach approach to tapping into motivation and unlocking potential.
Kimberly Gleason is a Grand Rapids-based personal and executive leadership coach, author of over 60 newspaper and magazine articles, professional speaker, and trainer. She specializes in helping leaders to improve individual and team performance, effectiveness, engagement, retention, and results. You can find out more about her free e-books, blog, resources, presentations, and programs at