
  • What’s Important About Ethics in Our Use of Social Media
March 13, 1:48 pm

With social media so prevalent today – how do we use it in an ethical manner?

ICF is preparing to do another update to their Code of Ethics soon and the odds are good there will be a more in-depth focus on the use of social medial in an ethical manner.

In this conversation we will take a more in-depth look at what is already in the code and how we clearly align with this code.

I will be sharing some of the unethical actions I have personally observed as well as other unethical actions that have been shared with me so you can learn from other coaches mistakes and “Stay Out of Ethical Hot Water.”

You can find both the ICF Code of Ethics and the ICF Ethical Interpretive statements at the following links to use during this conversation.

ICF Code of EthicsICF Ethical Interpretive Statements

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