
  • What are the revisions to the Code of Ethics REALLY all about?
March 31, 7:46 pm

When revisions and additions to the ICF code of ethics are made, there’s typically a reason for them.

In this call, we will be reviewing and discussing the recent changes and updates to the code and what you may want to be aware of as a coach.

  1. Structural Changes to the Code
  2. Content Changes and additions
  3. New Code
  4. Ethical Interpretive Statements (EIS)

This free call will be an open discussion so we may tap into the vast array of wisdom in the conference room as well as include time for Q and A throughout.

Understanding nuances of the code update and what this means for you can support you to heighten your ethical awareness as a coach and stay out of ethical hot water.

Come join Tina Elliot, MBA, PCC, BCC & Coaching Ethics Specialists for this free lively discussion regarding these updates and what changes you may need to make in the way you operate as a coach.

Document referenced in the call: ICF Code of Ethics

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