
  • “To Advise or Not to Advise,” that is the Question
October 3, 3:00 pm

There have been ongoing conversations around advising, suggesting and knowledge sharing as a coach. We will be looking more closely at the ethics involved in choosing to advise.

In this discussion we will touch on:

  • What is our desire to advise our clients really about?
  • Why advising is not part of the ICF Core Competencies or Code of Ethics?
  • What potential liability could advising our clients create for coaches?
  • What if any code of ethics could apply to a coach who is advising?
  • What growth opportunities do we potentially take away from our client’s when we choose to advise?
  • How can we handle the question: “So what do you think I should do?”

We will be looking more closely at the code of ethics, core competencies and brain research in what happens in our brain when we are given advise.

I’ll be sharing some coaching tips and techniques to “Stay Out of Ethical Hot Water” as a coach when it comes to managing clients who want advice.

Hosted by ILCT Faculty Member, Tina Elliot

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