
  • Navigating Social Media to Build Your Practice Part 1: Social Media Overview
March 31, 7:42 pm

Join Tracy Ray of Pink Pigeon Media for the first of this new series of teleconferences sponsored by ILCT and explore:

• What is Social Media?
• Top 7 reasons people turn to the Internet
• Big Picture: Social Media is like gears in a machine
• Which Social Networks should you use? (Making sense of it all)
• 17 Tips to a solid, basic Social Media Strategy

Companion document for this call: Social Media Overview

Tracy Ray is a Social Media Specialist who manages social pages for small businesses. She creates content on their behalf, broadcasts it on social pages and creates content to promote engagement. As a consultant, she guides do-it-yourselfers through the many ways they can improve their social pages and use them to their fullest.

Tracy lives in Georgia with her family and wirehair Dachshund. She is a photographer harboring a penchant for macro photography, an enthusiastic cook who is secretly addicted to online food porn and loves cheese beyond all reason.

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