
  • Ethical Hot Spots in Executive Coaching
February 22, 1:14 pm

4 Areas of Ethical Awareness to Fine Tune

Executive coaching has numerous areas to be aware of due to the dynamics of working inside organizations. We are engaging not only with our coachee, but also with sponsors, stakeholders, managers and possibly others.

In this call we will be taking a closer look at 4 important areas of ethical awareness that can support you in having a successful executive coaching engagement.

In this ethics specific call, we will be discussing the following topics:

1. Setting yourself up for success before you sign the contract

2. Agreements and addendums to agreements

3. Handling & documenting confidentiality

4. Keeping it ethical with communication tools – progress reports – ROI Reports

This will be an open discussion. We will be tapping into the vast array of wisdom on the call and including Q and A throughout.

Tina Elliot, MBA, PCC, BCC, is a Coaching Ethics Specialist with over 13 years of experience as a Board Member on the ICF’s Independent Review Board processing ethical complaints against coaches, a member of the ICF Code of Ethics Review Teams updating the ICF ethics code and creating ethics education and training for coaches so they may “Stay Out of Ethical Hot Water.”

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