
  • Discover Your Client
February 22, 1:37 pm

Creative Marketing for Coaches: Part 2
Discover Your Client

Take the work done in Part 1: Discover Your Why and develop a profile of your ideal client. This conversation will provide insight into the creative exploration of not only who you want to serve, but what their biggest pain points are and what their world is like.

You'll develop a continuity stream that molds perfectly with your why so that your work and who you serve gives you the greatest satisfaction and joy. When you are "in the zone" doing what you love because you're connected to your why, clients will seek YOU out.

Provided for ILCT Students as part of a three-part teleseries on business marketing for coaches.
Host: Terry Pappy, CEO of Better3, a full-service customer relationship marketing, branding and business development firm.

Part 3: Discover Your Relationship

Listen to the Call:

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