Body-Mind Coaching Tools for Wellness™


"Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. It involves living life in choice, with self-motivated action. Wellness Coaching is a process that assists in bringing into balance different domains of our lives – the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, occupational, and spiritual, to name a few – with breathing, feeling and sensing. Paying attention to body-mind connections presents important pathways to wholeness and change. The power of breath connects it all."
(Dr. Lauree E. Moss, Talk on Wellness Coaching, 2008)

Everything we experience in life, all insights we have and actions we take, are connected to the body. There are two phrases that are often said about body-mind work:

  • The mind and body are one.
  • The body never lies.

In this eight-week class, you will learn how to integrate the mind and body to deepen body-mind awareness, assisting clients to move forward with energy and aliveness, two cornerstones to a sense of well-being in life.

Tools taught will promote centering and relaxation, breath awareness, self- care and strategies for stress reduction. Specific issues that are often brought to Wellness Coaching, such as coping with anxiety, life transitions, healthful living and finding balance and meaning will be covered.

ICF Coaching Core Competencies will be highlighted and demonstrated using body-mind coaching tools.

Course Objectives

  • To understand the importance of integrating "the language of the body" in your work.
  • To learn body-mind coaching tools and techniques that you can immediately use with your clients.
  • To practice and experiment with different skills and exercises to access the non-verbal to deepen awareness and forward the action
  • To observe and participate in coaching demonstrations to deep your understanding of course materials.

Required Materials

To be purchased prior to class: "A Master Class in Gremlin Taming" by Rick Carson

The price listed on this page is $630, which includes tuition ($600) plus the cost for the course manual ($30). You will be prompted to add the manual to your cart during the registration process. The manual is separate from the required book above.

Frequency: This course is offered 1 to 2 times a year depending on interest.

Course Prerequisites

  • No other courses required


I really enjoyed this class! I always looked forward to the class and gained so much insight professionally as well as personally. The required readings were excellent! Dr Moss is obviously an expert in the Body-Mind connection and has such a skill for relaying that information on to her students. It was my pleasure to be in the class.

- Jeanne M.

Dr. Lauree Moss has created a unique body-mind life coaching model offered in this introductory class that has given me knowledge and skills that I immediately found invaluable and easily integrated into my work. I learned what body-mind awareness is by my own experiences and gained the tools to assist clients in being their own experts with present moment body-mind awareness and moving forward with energy and aliveness. The manual alone that Dr. Moss has authored is a resource I continually find useful. Dr. Moss conveys breadth and depth to her work and desire to help her students embody a powerful learning experience.

- Jeri A.

The Body Mind Coaching Skills class was one that I will remember for a long time. It has a great impact on me personally as it taught me valuable skills and tools to be present for myself. Dr Moss is one of the most compassionate teachers I have had. She embodied a generosity of spirit that made the class a very comfortable learning environment. In addition, the manual she created for the class is full of valuable articles and techniques that will assist me greatly in my coaching career. Thank you Dr. Moss.

- Reshma R.

Thank you for a wonderful class. I found the content extensive and leaves me wanting to refer back to it and continue reading. The delivery was casual yet personally powerful. In the end, I am reminded there is STILL work to be done to connect with my own body and tune in with greater awareness. I had some curiosity with how the class would be carried out if we couldn't see each other. I was pleasantly surprised that a) if we wanted to be on camera we could be but b) I found it easier to concentrate on my own body my own experience when no one was looking at me.

- Alex W.