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The Power of Personal Values

By Christa Colletti

I like that coaches-in-training must try out coaching tools on themselves first so that they get a chance to experience what it’s like to be a client. The most powerful and valuable part of my beginning coaching studies was the work I did on clarifying my own personal values. In my own practice, I focus a lot on values assessments because of the tremendous positive change it has brought about within myself.

Throughout most of life we are given messages about what’s expected of us from our family, our friends, and the media. We try to abide by these to the best of our abilities, but along the way we might find that we’re just a little stressed out, a little unfulfilled, or a little unhappy, but not be able to pinpoint why. A big part of coaching is living authentically, which to me means living a fulfilling life by incorporating what is most important to you as best as you can. Up until I began my coaching studies I had never sat down and thought about what was most important to me, and only me.

Through work with my peer coaches I was able to clarify what I wanted out of life, and more importantly, ideas on how to incorporate more of what I wanted. I even learned of misconceptions I had about myself. For example, I always thought of myself as a person always seeking excitement, but after working with my peer coaches I was able to clarify it as a desire for new and meaningful experiences. This might seem like one and the same, but that small difference helped me go from stressing because I wasn’t going out and being a social butterfly every weekend to finding contentment by trying a new style of yoga, taking a class in something I knew nothing about, or even taking a different route to the grocery store. With just this one small shift in thinking, several new doors opened for me.

Working with clients and their values is a great source of potential for change and growth. By focusing on personal values, your clients can:

  • clarify what is important to them in ways they might not have realized before.
  • pinpoint areas in their life where these values might be lacking or where incorporating more of a value could be beneficial
  • celebrate what makes them unique and what makes them thrive
  • provide themselves with a foundation to build a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

As I continue to work with clients and their values, I gain more and more satisfaction out of being a coach and watching the transformations before me. I urge each of you to take some time and think about what you value and pinpoint areas of your life where you could take action more in line with these values.

ILCT student Christa is a Professional Life Coach and owner of Vivacious Living. Her passion is helping people find their true purpose, working with those in transition, and helping those with chronic illnesses live full and authentic lives.