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New Board Certified Coach Credential Recognizes Masters and Doctoral Level Professionals

We're honored to announce that the 45,000 member strong National Board of Certified Counselor’s (NBCC ) affiliate, the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) has selected the Institute for Life Coach Training as its first and currently only provider of training for their new Board Certified Coach (BCC) credential. In a press release issued today, Shawn O’Brien, Vice President for the Center for Credentialing & Education said, “Of the hundreds of coach training schools, the Institute for Life Coach Training was without question at the top of our list given its long-standing commitment to bringing coach training to counselors, psychologists and social workers under the direction of its founder, Dr. Pat Williams, Master Certified Coach and author of the seminal text, Therapist as Life Coach.“

Developed primarily with master's and doctoral level helping professionals in mind, the Board Certified Coach credentialing process grants credit for graduate degrees and professional experience and enables those with a master's degree or higher in Counseling to meet the training requirements with as few as 30 hours of training. Those with a master's or higher in other social or behavioral sciences will meet the training requirements in as few as 60 hours of training.

If you are a master's or doctoral level professional who has been thinking about developing your coaching practice and building on a credential recognized by professional organizations such as the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) now is the time to act. There is a time-limited, inaugural grandparenting opportunity extending through December 31st, 2011. We expect the demand for this new credential to be very high.

Download the full release here